Follow the Leader
Pairs take turns being the leader and copying each other’s movements.
Open space for the team to move
Ball for every player
Players follow the leader copying their movements and direction.
Put players in pairs
Designate Players 1 and 2
Player 1 begins dribbling around the space and practicing soccer skills
Player 2 mimics Player 1’s movements
Coach calls “Switch” and player 2 is now the leader.
Have whole team in a long line following each other
Have 1 partner not have a ball and follow the partner as a defender
Encourage players to practice the following moves
Sweet Spot Taps, Dancing on the Ball, Feint move, Stepover
Reflection: Responsible Decision Making
1. 3 Finger Check in
-Put 3 fingers up if you felt like you made safe decisions during the follow the leader game and looked out for other players
-Put 2 fingers up if you feel like you sometimes made safe decisions but got distracted
-Put 1 finger up if you were not really looking out for other people and forgot to think about safety
2. Why is it important to think of others in games like Follow the Leader?