Numbers Passing
Players listen for their number, call for the ball, and pass fast.
Open space
Boundary 30x20
1 ball
Optional- goal
To pass the ball in number order as fast as possible-the ball shouldn’t stop.
Give each player on the team a number.
Students should be jogging around the area and talking to each other.
Player 1 says “1” and Player 2 responds “2”.
Player 1 passes to player two and so on.
Add a 2nd ball
Add a goal- the last person shoots the ball and then becomes #1 and every player becomes 1 number higher for the next round
Ball shouldn’t stop
Players should jog around the space never moving to mimic game play
Encourage players to yell when it’s their number
Reflection: Relationship Skills
1. 3 Finger Check-in
3 fingers you feel like I can pass and I can teach others
2 fingers you feel like you understand passing but need more practice
1 finger you want more one-on-one help to improve
2. Why is it important that we keep trying even if we aren't good at something at first? How can you help your teammates who are learning?