Pass the Conversation: Aerial Control

Speed dating with aerial control

    • Create two shoulder-to-shoulder lines facing each other with one player who has the ball.

    • 1 Ball for Each Pair

    • 4 Cones to indicate the beginning and end of the line

  • To learn about your partner and practice cushion touch.

    1. Each person starts standing across from their partner. Line A has the ball.

    2. A Throws the ball: Ask a Question: This could be a would you rather? A basic question about their day, after-school plans, etc. Player choice.

      B Cushion Trap in the Air: Answers question

      B Throws the ball to A: Asks a question

      A Couch Trap ball: Responds

    3. Now Line A Steps to their right and has a new partner. Repeat Pattern

    • Coach can ask the questions and students can take turns responding

    • Soft touch

    • Lift one foot and meet the ball with the top “laces” of the shoe

    • Carry the ball down with your foot softly like you're catching an egg

Reflection: Self-Awareness

Turn and talk or whole group

1. What was challenging about the cushion trap move?

2. How did you feel when you were trying to cushion trap the ball?

3. What is the best way to get better at a skill?




Pass the Conversation