A group communication game
Open space for everyone to see actor
Guess the action performed.
Round 1
Divide the players into two teams, preferably of equal size.
Divide the slips of paper between the two teams.
Select a neutral timekeeper/scorekeeper, or pick members from each team to take turns.
Review the gestures and hand signals and invent any others you deem appropriate.
Number of words in the title: Hold up the number of fingers.
Which word you're working on: Hold up the number of fingers again.
Number of syllables in the word: Lay the number of fingers on your arm.
Which syllable you're working on: Lay the number of fingers on your arm again.
Length of word: Make a "little" or "big" sign as if you were measuring a fish.
"The entire concept:" sweep your arms through the air.
"On the nose" (i.e., someone has made a correct guess): point at your nose with one hand, while pointing at the person with your other hand.
"Sounds like": Cup one hand behind an ear.
You can play where if the team doesn't get it in 1 minute the other team can steal the point with 1 guess.
Shorter Time or longer time
Have players write the clues and put them in a bowl
Remind players not to talk when they are acting out
School appropriate gestures
We ready to whisper ideas to help performers
Reflection: Self-Management & Social Awareness
When acting out your clue how did you decide what to do?
When might you use non-verbal communication in your life?
Who would you like to shout out for their acting skills?