Use this game to teach players the rules of Recess.

    • Open space

    • No equipment

  • To review the rules and help players remember them.

  • Have participants circle up. Ask participants: “Why do you think we need rules when we play a game?” (to stay safe, so it’s fair for everyone, so we know what we can and can’t do)

    “For our UI programs we also have rules. We want you to be safe, learn skills, and be able to be independent and creative. Our rules are easy to remember. (Show the poster). Are you ready? Get SET?”

    • S: “The letter S stands for Safety. This means that we make sure we are physically safe by respecting our bodies and the bodies of others. We also make sure we are emotionally safe by being kind and respectful to each other. To remember this rule we are going to Shake hands with someone else.”

    • When I say “Safety”- you shake hands! Now I want you to walk around the space staying within the cones and when I call Safety you run to a partner and shake hands. (wait 5 seconds) “Safety.” (kids shake hands) “Great Listening! Let’s come back the circle.”

    2. E: “The Letter E is for Everyone, this means that Everyone is Included. We always accept someone if they want to play. Everyone is always welcome at Recess!

    • When I say “Everyone” You will make your arms go wide and bring your hands together to interlock. Walk around the space (wait 5 seconds) “Everyone” (hands come together and interlock), “Safety” (Shake hands), “Everyone” (hands together). “Good job, now come back to the circle.”

    3. T: “The Letter T is Teamwork. This means that we work together. When it’s time to clean up we all clean up, we all support each other. When we are down, we lift each other up. If someone is alone, you ask them how they are.

    • When I say “Teamwork” you walk around and give high fives. Walk around the space. (wait 5 seconds) “Teamwork” (High fives), “Effort” (runs in place), “Safety” (Shake hands), “Teamwork”. Good job let’s get into a circle.”

    4. “Now we have learned the 3 rules of Safety, Everyone, And Teamwork, but there is one missing. We have to HAVE FUN. It’s important that this time together is fun for you because we want you to be happy.

    • When I say “Have Fun” I want you to get into a circle with the team and put your hands in the middle and on the count of 3 we say “(choose a cheer or you can have them say “Go Team Recess”)

    “Now let’s see what you remember. Walk around the space”

    Continue calling out Safety, Everyone, Teamwork, Fun and have the participants practice the motions.

    • You might ask players if they would add any other rules for Recess

    • Continue to practice over several weeks

Reflection: Self-Management

1. If we don’t follow the rules what should be the consequence?

2. How can we hold our classmates accountable?

3. How can we highlight our classmates for their behavior?


1, 2, 3 Clap

