A group ball game.
Open space
The goal of the game is to receive the least amount of letters of the word “SPUD” by both avoiding the ball or by throwing the ball accurately at another player.
1. Have each player count off and remember their number and have all players stand in a circle. One player starts with the ball in the center.
2. The player with the ball throws it upwards and chooses one number to yell. Upon hearing the number, the rest of the players run in any direction away from the center except for the person whose number was called.
3. That person catches the ball and yells “SPUD!” When SPUD is yelled, everyone must freeze and cannot move their feet until the round is over.
4. The player with the ball can then take 3 giant steps toward a player. They throw the ball and try to hit the player below the waist.
5. If a player gets hit, they receive an “S” the first time, “P” the second, and so on, to spell S-P-U-D. If the thrower misses, then they earn the letter. Also, if a frozen player moves their feet, they also get a letter. If a player catches the ball when it is thrown at them, the thrower gets the letter.
6. Players rotate each round to decide who becomes the thrower.
Change the name of the game and word to the mascot of your school or the focus of the week "Hero"
Demonstrate how to tag someone with the ball aiming for feet or legs
Make sure the ball is soft
Reflection: Social-Awareness & Responsible Decision Making
1. How did you decide who to try and tag with the ball?
2. What strategies did you use to be successful in this game?
3. How did you manage the stress of this game? What did you do when you got out?