Work together with your team to race to the finish line!

    • Create even teams of 4-5

    • Set up a start and finish line

    • Cones

    • Ball for each team

  • The goal of the game is for each team to retrieve the ball in the way that the leader says!

  • 1. Separate the group into five teams, or the same number of teams as the number of balls that you have at your disposal. 

    2. Tell each team that you are going to say a WAY to bring the ball back by touching the ball with certain body parts. Examples for 6 person groups: 8 thumbs, 2 foreheads and 5 fingers, 3 knees and 4 hands, etc. 

    3. Every member of the team has to be in contact with the ball. 

    4. Teams should bring the ball back as fast as possible. When all the teams are back, start a new round.

    • Have a player call out the way to bring the ball back

    • Make kids hold the position for a certain amount of time before they count as “back”

    • Check to see if everyone is touching the ball correctly before starting the race

    • Allow players to cheer instead of play if they don't feel comfortable

Reflection: Social Awareness

1. How did you work together as a team?

2. What did you do when the ball started to slip/fall?

3. Who would you like to shout out from your team? (someone positive and supportive)




Mountains & Valleys (Volcanos and Ice Cream Cones)