A game of concentration and quiet.

    • Open space to lay on the floor

    • No equipment

  • The goal of the game is to remain as still as possible in order to be the last player standing.

  • 1. Remind players they need to find their own space, and that there is no touching. 

    2. The leader of the game counts down (5,4,3,2,1, DEAD FISH!!!), while the leader is counting, all the players swim around like a fish. 

    3. As soon as the leader says “Dead Fish”, all players must lie down on the ground, like a dead fish. 

    4. The leader then walks among the fish, looking for movement. The leader may also try to get the fish to laugh. NB – Make sure they know not to touch the Dead Fish! Gross! 

    5. If a player moves (except for blinking), they are out. 

    6. When a player gets out, they may help the leader look for movement.

    7. After a short amount of time, begin a new round.

    • Make the game more imaginative, having dead fish become “fishermen” when they move. When a new round begins, have the players return to the “fishing boat.”

    • You can have a dance party before the Leader begins to count down

    • Make sure that the person being the leader is careful and doesn't step on anyone

    • People that move can then become helpers of the leader to look for other movers

Reflection: Self-Management & Self-Awareness

1. How did you keep still during the game?

2. Why is it sometimes hard to keep still? How do you know what your body needs?


Heads Up, Seven Up

