Protect the tower from the outside circle.

    • Place 3 cones in a triangle (About 1 yard apart).

    • Create a large circle 5-8 yards around the cones with chalk or cones.

    • Create a smaller circle with cones around the triangle about 3 yards in diameter. 

    • 3 large cones

    • 4-8 small cones

    • soft balls

  • The goal of the game is to catch and throw the ball in the air before landing.

    1. Pick two to three people that will be on Defense, and everyone else in on Offense. 

    2. The Offense will stand outside of the large circle; the Defense will be in between the two circles. Both teams can move freely within their areas, but cannot cross over into the other team’s zone. 

    3. The offensive team will have 2 balls. To “score”, they will have to knock over the cones in the middle circle, once all 3 cones have been knocked over, have the teams switch roles. 

    4. The defensive team can block the balls and defend the cones with any part of their body, as long as they don’t cross the middle circle. 

    5. If the ball is stuck in the middle, the defensive team must throw it back to the outside. 

    6. When all the cones are down, the next three in the circle will become the Defense. 

    • To make the game more challenging, put a time cap on each round. Each team will have a set amount of time to knock over as many cones as they can. Teams will keep track of points. One cone = a point. 

    • Restrict players’ one movement so that they have to pass more. 

    • Use soccer balls and have players try to kick the ball through the defenders.

    • Don’t have dodgeballs? Try Keeper of the Castle

    • Demonstrate how to throw the ball to knock down the cone or have players practice 1st

    • Remove/Add protectors for difficulty level

    • If a protector is hit too hard have the thrower do jumping jacks or be out of the gave for 30 seconds

Reflection: Social-Awareness & Self-Management

1. Why can this game be frustrating?

2. What strategies did you use to be successful in this game?

3. Who would like to shout out someone in the game?


Upside Down Charades


Wind Blows