1v1 Attacking
A drill to practice feint moves.
Divide team into groups of 4
2 Defense, 2 offense to start
Place 2 cones 20 feet apart
1 ball per group
2 Disc cones per group
Objective is for the attacker to use a feint move to get past the defender.
Player A passes the ball to Player B and becomes a Defender.
Player B tries to dribble past Player A using a feint move.
Player A tries to steal the ball.
When player B gets to the starting cone or player A steals the ball, players rotate positions.
With ease: practice the exercise without a ball and play as a tag game, then introduce the ball when ready
Play 2 on 1 with 2 defenders or 2 attackers.
Encourage players to dribble into open spaces with speed and control
“Fake” defender by moving upper body in the opposite direction you intend to go to
Have a low center of gravity, knees slightly bent
Reflection: Social Awareness
1. Check-in-Thumbs Up/Thumbs down
Put your thumb up if you saw someone get excited during this game- Put a thumb down if you didn't see this
Put your thumb up if you saw some get frustrated during this game-Put a thumb down if you didn't see this
Put a thumb up if you heard someone encouraging others or shouting others out-Put a thumb down if you didn't see this
2. What can we do during scrimmage to make our teammates feel good and proud of themselves?