Box to Box
Scrimmage where players score by dribbling through a box zone.
Cones outlining playing space
5x5 box marked by disc cones where the goal usually is
Split group into 2 even teams, with one wearing pinnies
Disc cones
Objective of the game is for players to dribble into their opponent's box zone and stop the ball.
Players can dribble into the box from the front or either side.
Players cannot go out of bounds and enter the box zone from the end line.
Challenge: extend zones to make it harder for defenders
Communication and teamwork
Body angle - force attackers to the sides
Deny time and space
Deny through balls/penetration
Timing of the steal
1. Who would you like to shout out for making good decisions for their team?
2. Who can you shout out for being positive and encouraging everyone?