4 Corners w/ Defenders

Players dribble to safe zones without getting their ball stolen.

    • Make 4 corners designated by making 4-20x20 squares (large enough for all players to fit)

    • 4 Different Color Cones (You can also place a captain in each corner and designate the corner by person’s name)

    • 1 Ball for Each Player

    • Pinnies for Defenders

  • Dribble to the corner designated by your coach fastest and stop in freeze position without your ball being stolen.

    1. Coach calls out the color of a corner/Number, players dribble to that corner and stop their ball in the corner.

    2. Play a few rounds of just going to the correct corner called.

    3. Once players have had a few practice rounds, add in defenders to try and steal the balls!

    4. If a defender successfully steals the ball of a player, they swap places and the player becomes the new defender

    • Coach can hold up a cone of the same color versus calling out loud.

    • During the practice rounds, have players focus on their small touches versus speed .

    • Keep your head up when dribbling.


Reflection: Self-Awareness

1. What are the different ways we react when someone steals our ball? Who can act out one way for the group?

  • Have captains act out an example where someone is very angry

  • Have captains act out an example where the person who got the ball stolen is upset but shakes it off


4 Corners


4 Corners Shooting