Get to know your group with this fun tag game.

    • Open space for a circle

    • No equipment

  • The goal of the game is to tag the person whose name is called.

  • 1. Players form a circle with one player in the middle. 

    2. Go around and say everyone’s name. 

    3. Everyone, except the person in the middle, holds both hands out in front, with their palms up. 

    4. Choose a leader to start the game. The leader begins the game by loudly saying someone’s name that is standing in the circle. 

    5. The player in the middle then tries to tag the person whose name was called. 

    6. The person whose name was called says the name of another person in the circle, and the leader has to get that person, and so on. 

    7. When the player whose name was called gets tagged before they can say someone else’s name, a new leader is chosen. 

    8. The player who tags a person on the outside gets to call out a name to begin the next round. 

    •  To make the game more challenging, have the players standing on the outside of the circle close their eyes so they cannot see the person in the middle.

    • Make the game harder or easier by making the circle bigger or smaller

    • Add another player in the middle if it's too hard

Reflection: Relationship Skills

1. Who can name everyone’s name in the circle? (or 3-5 people)

2. How do you remember people’s names?


Duck, Duck, Goose


Dead Fish/Sleeping Lions