Duck, Duck, Goose
A quiet group chase game.
Open space to sit in a circle
No equipment
The goal is to run around the circle and sit in your spot before you get tagged.
1. Players form a circle, one player starts out in the middle as the leader.
2. The leader walks around the circle tapping heads very lightly, saying “Duck” with each head they tap.
3. The leader then picks a player and says “Goose!” when they tap the player’s head.
4. When a goose has been chosen, the goose chases the leader once around the circle and tries to tag the leader before they sit in the spot that the goose vacated.
5. The goose then becomes the leader.
For a more competitive game, players that get caught by the goose have to sit in the middle of the circle and are “out” until the next round.
Encourage players to make sure everyone gets a chance to be chosen
Reflection: Social Awareness & Responsible Decision Making
1. How did you decide who to pick when you were It?
2. How did you encourage your classmates? How did it feel when others cheered for you?