Feelings Freeze Dance

Acting out your feelings during a dance party.

    • Open space to dance

    • Speaker

    • Music

  • To get to your ball in freeze when the music stops and to act out the feelings given to you.

    1. Have players dance or move with their balls in the boundary when the music is playing.

    2. When the music stops have players stop in freeze position.

    3. Play the music again and players continue to dance.

    Now tell the players to Dance like they feel “Happy” (Show the Happy card), Freeze

           (prompts-smile, skip, move slow or fast)

    Tell your players to dance like they feel “Sad” (Show the Sad card), Freeze

          (prompts-frown, move slowly, head down, shoulders slumped)

    Tell the players to Dance like they feel “Excited” (Show the Excited Card), Freeze

          (prompts-Jump, have energy, move fast)

    Tell the players to dance like they feel “Angry” (Show the Angry Card), Freeze

          (prompts-stomp your feet, kick your ball, frown)

    • Have a player call out the emotions

    • Highlight player's moves and acting

    • Use the Game Poster linked above to help children visualize the emotions

Reflection: Self-Awareness

1. What emotion was the most fun to act out? Why?

2. Which emotion was the most difficult to act out? Why?

3. If you are feeling sad what can you do to feel better?


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