Listen for your fruit and be ready to move!

    • Open space to sit in a circle

    • No equipment

    • Chairs optional

  • The goal of the game is to avoid being left in the middle of the circle! 

  • 1. Give each player a cut-out paper piece of fruit. 

    2. Have players sit in a circle. Their place must be marked by a chair or a placeholder like a shoe.

    3. Choose one player to be in the center of the circle. 

    4. The player in the center calls out a piece of fruit. Every player with that piece of fruit changes positions in the circle with someone else. 

    5. The last player left in the circle calls out another piece of fruit. 

    6. The caller can also call out “Fruit Salad” where all players must switch players. 

    **If you don't have chairs use cones to indicate the player's spot

    • For younger or larger groups, no one is left in the center of the circle, and instead players just change places as fast as they can. 

    • The caller in the center can say more than one fruit at a time. 

    • Players switch spots by moving the way their fruit moves.

    • Older Kids can play “Have you Ever?”

    • Person in the middle asks “Have you ever….”

    • Anyone who has done that has to get up and get a new chair (can’t be the one next to you)

    • Make sure the circle is wide enough that players won't run into each other

    • Have players move at a walk or slow motion for safety

Reflection: Social Awareness & Self-Management

1. Do you think you are a good listener? Why or Why Not?

2. What strategies did you use to be successful in this game?

3. Who in the group can you shout out?


Get Behind Me


Freeze Tag