A sneaky game of focus and strategy.

    • Open space to move around

    • Create a boundary

    • No equipment

    • Cones (optional)

  • The goal of the game is to get behind the person you choose.

  • 1. Make a big circle with everyone shoulder to shoulder.

    2. Everyone chooses one person in their head without saying it outloud.

    3. The leader counts to 3 and then everyone tries to get behind the person they chose in their head.

    4. Everyone has 10-15 seconds to get directly behind their person; if they do not succeed then they are out.

  • Find other No Equipment large space games here

    • Have a player run the time clock or count

Reflection: Social Awareness & Self-Management

1. What strategies did you use to be successful in this game?

2. Who in the group can you shout out?


Get Down


Fruit Salad Bowl