Get Down
A game of toss with increasing difficulty.
Open space to make a circle
No equipment
The goal of the game is to accurately throw and catch the ball in order to be the last player still standing.
1. Players stand in a circle.
2. A player begins with the tennis ball or bean bag and throws it continuously back and forth to others in the circle until someone drops it or there is a bad throw.
3. When someone drops the ball or makes a bad throw the consequence is to get down on one knee. Play continues, and when players miss throws they keep getting down (one knee, two knees, one hand down, elbow, belly, until they are out)
4. Once the player gets in their position they must stay there, while continuing to catch and throw the ball or bean bag.
5. The winner is the last person left in the game.
The whole group will have the consequence for an incomplete toss. Everyone takes a knee rather than just the person who missed the catch.
A balloon is great instead of a bean bag.
Make sure players are throwing the ball so it is catchable, you can have someone who throws it too wild change their body position instead of the catcher or have them try again.
Reflection: Self-Management & Responsible Decision Making
What decisions did you have to make in this game? How did you make them?
What strategies did you use to be successful in this game?
Who in the group can you shout out?