Heads Up, Seven Up
A great indoor guessing game.
Players sitting at desks
No equipment
Recommend Chairs
The goal of the game is to guess correctly the player who pushes your thumb down.
1. Have the leader pick seven students. Together as a group, the seven say: "Heads down, thumbs up." The players go around and touch one thumb each.
2. When they return to the front, as a group, they say "Heads up, seven up!"
3. The seven new players stand up and one by one guess which player picked them. If they are right, they switch places with that player. If they guess wrong, they sit down.
4. After all the players guess, everyone reveals who they picked.
Add in a spelling bee element-before they can guess who chose them they have to spell a word
Encourage players to close their eyes and not peak
If a player cheats you can have them not guess that round
Reflection: Self-Management & Social Awareness
1. Was it difficult to wait to be chosen? How did you not peek?
2. What strategies did you use to be successful in this game?
3. Who can you shout out?