Name and Motion
Get to know your group with this circle name game.
open space to play
No Equipment
Participants create a sound and a motion that goes along with their name to help build relationships.
Participants stand in a circle. Introduce yourself and other coaches and explain that you will be together today as a group. Remind participants that we are competing with other groups but we are all Captains and it is a friendly competition meaning we are respectful and here to have fun. If you are away from your coach today, don’t worry if you need to speak with them or have a question for them we can help you or if necessary we can contact them. (just ask UI staff and we can relay the message)
Facilitator: "History shows that motions help us learn names; we will share something we like to do and do a motion for each name. As leaders, we want to practice speaking loudly and confidently. We will support each other and encourage each other if we get nervous. "
Facilitator: You are going to say your name and mime a motion to show us something you like to do.
For example:
The facilitator says: “My name is Coach Taylor and I like to play baseball” (swings a bat).
Now as a group you will respond:
“Hi _______________ and mime the motion.”Now give the players 20-30 seconds to think of something they want to do. It’s okay if people have the same activity but they should try a new movement. If they like basketball and someone has already shown this by doing a jump shot they might show dribbling.
Ask for a volunteer to start.
Each player says their name and says “I like to….” and does a motion. The group says “Hi their name” and does the motion.
After all the participants have gone, ask a volunteer to stand in the middle and see if they can remember everyone's name and motion or You can also go in the middle of the circle and point at different people and have the group say their name and do the motion as a memory exercise.
● You can have players go around the circle all doing the motion one at a time instead of as a group.
If someone has the same thing they like have them choose a different movement and sound (throw baseball instead of bat)
Reflection: Relationship Skills & Social Awareness
1. Who can name everyone’s name? (or 3-5 people)
2. How do you remember people’s names?