A circle skills game.
Open space
The goal of the game is to catch and throw the ball in the air before landing.
1. Make a circle and establish the rules – let the kids add the ones they think are important and clarify what it means to have “landed.”
2. The first person with the ball passes by tossing it to someone else in the circle. The second person has to jump, catch and pass the ball before landing on their feet.
3. If someone does not catch the ball or lands before passing it that person is out and the circle is made smaller.
4. Play continues like this until one or two players are left.
Hint: Some classroom rules that could be added is having a judge so people do not argue, no whipping the ball at each other, etc.
Depending on the space available you can have many games going on at the same time. With this variation it works best when teams are five on five, not including the goalie.
Add an additional ball.
Alternate Names of the Game: Tap Speedball
Make a speech about good sportsmanship and encouraging each other
Appoint a judge to identify if someone threw the ball before landing
Reflection: Social-Awareness & Self-Management
1. Why can this game be frustrating?
2. What strategies did you use to be successful in this game?
3. Who would like to shout out someone in the game?