Volcanos and Ice Cream Cones (Mountains & Valleys)
An intense race to the finish.
place as many cones as you have in the middle of the playing space, some right side up, some upside down
The object of the game is to have the most cones flipped to your team’s side (Ice Cream Cones or Volcanoes).
Split the team in half, one team is Ice Cream cones and the other is Volcanoes.
Players try to flip the disc cones to match their team
Rightside up= Ice Cream Cones and
Upside down=Volcanos
After 1 min. of play, the coach counts how many cones are Ice Cream Cones and how many are Volcanoes
● If you don’t have enough space for everyone at once, have each team send in 4 players for 1 minute rounds
Pause halfway through to allow teams to discuss strategy
Remind players to be careful not to run into each other
Great opportunity to practice “freeze” with students stopping play abruptly when coach blows the whistle
Reflection: Self-Management
1. This game can be frustrating. What did you do to keep calm and focused?
2. What strategies did you use to be successful?
3. Who would like to shout out someone in the game?