A partner communication game

    • Pair up players

    • Paper

    • Writing instrument

  • Interpret what someone is drawing on your back.

  • Round 1

    1. Partner 1 is sitting with their back to Partner 2. Partner 2 draws on the paper on Partner 1’s back and Partner 1 draws the same thing on the paper in front of them.  

    2. Partner 2 should not look at Partner 1’s paper until time is up.

    Round 2

    1. Try the same process but have Partner 1 blindfolded. 

    Non-Touching Option:  Have players go back to back and describe how to draw an image they are given. 

    -Tangram Drawing- Give 1 partner a tangram image and place partners back to back. Have 1 partner describe the tangram image to the drawing partner. After 2 minutes have the partners turn around and show each other. 

    • Have players draw on each other’s back with a finger and the other player guesses what they are drawing aloud

    • Ask players if they are comfortable being touched or if they prefer to play a variation of the game

    •  Give the Player 2 something to draw in secret so Player 1 doesn’t know. 

    • Give players an image to copy if they need more support

Reflection: Social Awareness & Self-Awareness

1. What feelings did you experience during this game? What was difficult? What was easy?

2. What can this game teach you about listening and communicating with others?

3. What skills can you take from this game to apply to school or your life?


Handshake Game


Pick 6