A fast thinking game.

    • no set up

  • The object of the game is to say 6 items in a category in 10 seconds.

    1. 1. Split group into partners of 2-3

      2. Partner 1 chooses a category and says go.

      3. Partner 2 must name 6 items in that category.

      4. Partner 1 counts to 10 on their fingers. 

      5. The round is over when partner 2 gets 6 items or the time is up. Then switch partners.

    • Choose Categories focused on a subject you’re learning.

    • Have groups compete for who can get the most in 10 seconds.

    • Have players close their eyes so they can’t use the room for clues.

    • Change the number to 3 for younger players

    • Encourage players who are counting to do so silently and not help their partner unless given the direction

    • f you hear a player say “how did you not think of this…” Pause the class and discuss how when we are under stress it is often hard to think of things because our body is concerned

Reflection: Self-Awareness and Self-Management

  1. How did you feel when you were given your category?

  2. What did you do if you didn’t know the category well?

  3. This game challenged us to think under pressure. What strategies can you use when you are feeling stressed when answering a question in class?


Blind Drawing


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