Try and get to the base before being caught.

    • Open space

    • Places to hide are helpful

    • No Equipment

  • The goal of the game is to move around the classroom without being caught by the curator(s).

  • 1. Choose one or more curators who will be the only ones who can move freely around the room.

    2. The statues are trying to move around the room without the curators seeing them move. If they are talking then the curator can catch them.

    3. Explain that if the curators see you move – blinking and breathing are allowed – you have to 5-10 jumping jacks (or whatever consequence fits the class/space) to get back into the game.

    • Call the game Toy story – instead of curators the seeker is Andy (or Molly, Andy’s Mom, whomever) and everyone else is a toy. This is a fun chance for the kids to become their favorite toy and can emulate it however they want, or they can come up with a new toy. 

    • Can play in the hallways as transitions to keep the kids quiet and move them around in a fun way.

    • Have the students choose where base is

    • Make sure to observe so you can determine if students did move

Reflection: Self-Management & Social-Awareness

1. How did you keep from getting caught?

2. What was difficult about this game? What strategies did you use to be successful in this game?

3. Who would like to shout out someone in the game?



