A quick game of decision making and speed.

    • Place 4 cones in a square

    • Place 1 cone in the middle of the square

    • Cones

  • The goal of the game is to Switch! to a new cone quickly.

  • 1. Place 4 cones in a square (at least ~5 yards apart) with one cone directly in the middle.

    2. 5 people begin the game with one person standing at each cone. The rest of the players can stand in line.

    3. The person in the middle cone claps their hands once and yells “SWITCH!”

    4. Students must switch cones but CAN NOT switch to the middle cone which means one player will not find a spot.

    5. If two students make it to the same cone at the same time, they can play “rock, paper, scissors” to determine who the winner is.

    6. The person who does not find a cone returns to the end of the line, and the first person in line is the new switch master!

  • ● If you play this game outside, make the square very large so the distance is longer to  run.  

    ● If you have lots of players, make another square!

    • Make sure all players know Rock, Paper, Scissors

    • Have waiting playes encourage those playing

Reflection: Self-Management & Responsible Decision Making

1. This game is quick and you can get out at any second. How did you handle not getting to a base?

2. When you were in the middle, how did you decide which cone to run to?

3. Who would like to shout out someone in the game?


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