4 Gates

Scrimmage where teams can score by dribbling through the opponent's gates.

    • Create a 20x30 yard field (or 2 depending on the size of team) using cones

    • Create a goal using cones in each corner of the field

    • Cones to mark goals/gates

    • Cones to outline field

  • To dribble through the opponent's gates to score.

    1. Divide players into two teams for each field

      -Use pinnies to differentiate teams

    2. Each team has two goals that they can score on the opposite side of the field

    3. There are no goalies - remind players that they cannot stand directly in front of a goal OR use their hands.

    4. To score a goal players must dribble/run the ball through the open gate.

    5. If the ball goes out of play, coach calls "New Ball" and players continue playing with the new ball.

    • Make the fields bigger or smaller to increase or decrease difficulty

    • Add in a second ball for an extra challenge

    • Remind players that there are no goalies

    • Big touches versus little touches

    • Communication with teammates


4 Corners Shooting


4 Goals with Shooting