Tag game with a fruit twist!

    • Designate a large playing space with cones

    • Open Space

    • Cones (optional)

  • Be the last person standing.

    1. Once the game starts, everyone is "it." Each person tries to tag other people on the shoulders or below while staying within the play boundaries.

    2. Once a child has been tagged, they must act like a banana in place (standing straight up with arms at sides). They can be set free if another child peels their banana. They can also be set free if the person that tagged them gets tagged

    3. Children need to keep track of the person who tagged them so that they will know when they have been freed. 

    4. The game eventually ends up with 2 people free. When one of these tags the other, lots of people will be released, and the game will continue! 

    5. The game ends when only one person is left standing. 

    • If the kids want to play a different tag game that they really enjoy, go for it!

    • Change to orange tag, where students curl up in a ball on the ground until someone peels them!

    • Be sure to walk around during gameplay and ensure students are staying frozen in place until they are “peeled”

Reflection: Self-Awareness

1. What skills do we use in this game?

2. What skills are you good at? What skills do you want to work on?

3. How did you encourage yourself during this game?


Beanbag Bull’s Eye


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