Week 10

Responsible Decision Making & Game Realistic


  • SEL:  Players will be able to recognize that they have choices in how to respond to situations; implement stop, think, act, reflect strategies in solving problems.

  • SOCCER: Players will be able to demonstrate soccer skill growth.

Day 1:


10 min- Informal Time: Attendance, Warm Welcome

15 min- Warm Up: Rock, Paper, Scissors Cheerleader

5 min- Soccer Focus Intro: Game Realistic Skill: Review: Dribbling/Passing

15 min- Dribbling- Unopposed: Soccer Bowling

15 min- Dribbling- Opposed: Scramble

25 min- Scrimmage

  • Soccer Skill Question:

    1. 3 Finger Check-in

    Put 3 fingers up if you feel you have improved a lot in your soccer skills this season.

    Put 2 fingers up if you feel you have improved a little.

    Put 1 finger up if you feel you have not improved.

    2. Who would like to talk about their improvement?

    Responsible Decision Making Question:

    1. What was a difficult choice you made during today’s scrimmage?

    -Have players share with each other first and then as a whole group

Day 2:


10 min- Informal Time: Attendance, Warm Welcome

15 min- Warm Up: Ships & Sailors

5 min- Review Coaching Points: Game Realistic Skill: Review Shooting

15 min- Dribbling- Unopposed: Numbers

15 min- Dribbling- Opposed: Box to Box

25 min- Scrimmage

  • Soccer Skill Question: Game Realistic

    1. What was your favorite game at practice this season?

    SEL Question:

    2. How do you feel we have grown as a team this season?

    3. How many of us grew as a friend? As a teammate? How did you do that?

Day 3:

Game Day or Scrimmage Day

  • See here for game day preparation checklist.

  • 1. This season we learned about Relationship skills- What should you do to make new friends and keep your friendships growing?

    2. We also learned about Self-Awareness-recognizing our emotions and Self-Management. We learned about setting goals and making good decisions. What will you do when you are making decisions outside of soccer practice?

    3. Think of one word you would use to describe this season of soccer and we are going to go around the circle and say our word.

Captain’s Corner

Fall Season:

  • Take time to thank players, coaches, and yourself for the learning and support this season.

  • Ask for advice on what to work on for next season.

Spring Season:

  • Take time to thank players, coaches, and yourself for the learning and support this year.

  • Ask for advice on what to work on for next season.