Week 1
SEL: Players will be able to recall names and make connections with teammates & coaches.
SOCCER: Players will be able to receive the ball with a soft first touch and execute a pass with the inside of the foot.
Relationship Skills & Passing
Day 1:
10 min- Informal Time: Attendance, Warm Welcome, Feelings Check In
15 min- Warm Up: Favorites
5 min- Soccer Focus Intro: Passing Skill: Sweet Spot Pass
15 min- Dribbling- Unopposed: Pass the Conversation
15 min- Dribbling- Opposed: Gates
25 min- Scrimmage
Soccer Skill Question:
1. What is the definition of passing in your own words? What parts of your feet do you use?
SEL Question:
1. This week we are working on Relationship skills- who can remind us what relationship skills mean?
-Learning people's names, making friends
2. Who can name at least 5 people on our team today?
3. Who can shout out someone today for being a good teammate?
Day 2:
10 min- Informal Time: Attendance, Warm Welcome
15 min- Warm Up: Handshake Game
5 min- Soccer Focus Intro: Passing Skill: Make an L with Your Feet
15 min- Dribbling- Unopposed: Numbers Passing
15 min- Dribbling- Opposed: King Cone
25 min- Scrimmage
Soccer Skills Reflection
1. How do we pass the ball? Which part of our feet do we use?
2. What was challenging about passing? What was easy?
Relationship Skills Reflections
1. Who can name at least 5 players (or the most) on our team today?
(Have captains try first.)
2. What does it mean to have good relationship skills?
-to ask questions, learn names, and make friends
3. Raise your hands if you think you have improved your relationship skills today. How?
(coaches choice-end the practice the same way every day)
Optional: At the beginning of practice we checked in with how our day was going. How do you feel now? Did your day improve at all after practice?
Day 3:
Game Day or Scrimmage Day
Optional Game Realistic Activities:
This week we talked about Relationship Skills, what are good relationships skills?
-Knowing everyone’s name, asking them questions, being respectful and knowing everyone is learning.
Our goal this week was to be able to name every player and make friends. Who feels like they achieved our goal? What can you do next week to continue growing in Relationship Skills?
-Continue to ask other players questions, politely ask someone's name if I forget, and use people's names during practice.
Captain’s Corner
Be able to name all players, captains, and coaches.
Take Initiative by helping the coach without being asked.