Week 3
Self-Management & Shooting
SEL: Players will be able to describe and demonstrate ways to express emotions in a constructive & healthy way.
SOCCER: Players will be able to strike the ball efficiently with power and accuracy over various distances; score goals both unopposed and opposed.
Day 1:
10 min- Informal Time: Attendance, Warm Welcome
15 min- Warm Up: Sharks & Minnows
5 min- Soccer Focus Intro: Shooting Skill: Inside of the Foot Shot
15 min- Dribbling- Unopposed: Sandcastle Battle
15 min- Dribbling- Opposed: Star Wars
25 min- Scrimmage
Soccer Skill Question:
1. What is shooting?
- when a player kicks the ball toward the goal, trying to score. It’s a different movement from dribbling & passing because we typically try to use a little more "oomph."
2. How do you shoot with the Inside of the foot shot?
-Have students demonstrate
SEL Question:
1. This week we are talking about Self-Management, what is Self-management?
2. What are some feelings you felt today?
3. What are some actions you can do if you are angry or frustrated?
-Take a deep breath, coach yourself, and take a break
4. What is the best way to cheer when we score a goal?
Day 2:
10 min- Informal Time: Attendance, Warm Welcome
15 min- Warm Up: Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag
5 min- Soccer Focus Intro: Shooting Skill: Laces Shot
15 min- Dribbling- Unopposed: 4 Corners Shooting
15 min- Dribbling- Opposed: Hit Me with Your Best Shot
25 min- Scrimmage
Soccer Skill Question:
1. How do you shoot a “Laces” Shot?
Use the top part of your foot hitting the laces on your shoe
2. What is the Laces shot good for?
-Power and shooting from long distances, shooting straight
SEL Question:
1. This week we are talking about Self-Management, what is Self-Management?
2. What are some feelings you felt today? How did you express those emotions? Were they helpful or hurtful to your soccer game?
3. Who do you want to shout out today for being a good teammate?
Day 3:
1. This week we are talking about Self-Management, what is Self-Management?
2. Our goal this week is to feel our emotions and then to choose a healthy action.
3. Who can tell me what you can do if you get frustrated or angry?
-Take a deep breath, coach yourself, ask yourself why you are feeling this way, talk to a friend
4. Who can tell me why we want to celebrate our goals in a respectful way?
-Other players might be upset and we want to encourage them but also be happy for ourselves
Captain’s Corner
Partner with 2 different players to support their learning.
Stay focused all practice by looking for players to highlight and participating
Focus on growth not winning. ‘Great Pass!’ ‘I loved how you kept running’ ‘I like how confident you were when you threw in the ball’