Week 9

Relationship Skills & Shooting 2.0


  • SEL:  Players will be able to identify approaches to resolving conflicts constructively; demonstrate cooperation and teamwork to promote group effectiveness.

  • SOCCER: Players will be able to strike the ball both short and long distances with accuracy.

Day 1:


10 min- Informal Time: Attendance, Warm Welcome

15 min- Warm Up: Ships and Sailors

5 min- Soccer Focus Intro: Shooting Skill: Aim for the Back Corners

15 min- Dribbling- Unopposed: Malcolm in the Middle

15 min- Dribbling- Opposed: Shooting Star

25 min- Scrimmage

  • Soccer Skill Question:

    1. What can you do to help your team score during a game?

    -Spread out and give options for passes, Encourage the team, pass the ball, talk to each other, and practice

    SEL Question:

    1. If we play a game and don’t score any points why is that game still a win for our team?

    2. Let’s practice celebrating the opposing team. After the game what is a cheer we can say for them? What can you say to them as you are high-fiving?

Day 2:


10 min- Informal Time: Attendance, Warm Welcome

15 min- Warm Up: Tic-Tac-Toe

5 min- Soccer Focus Intro: Shooting Skill: Land on Kicking Foot

15 min- Dribbling- Unopposed: Finishing & Scoring

15 min- Dribbling- Opposed: Quick Shots

25 min- Scrimmage

  • Soccer Skill Question:

    1. What are the two ways to shoot the ball?

    -Inside foot and Laces out

    2. Which one do you like better for you? Why?

    SEL Connection:

    We have been playing together for 9 weeks now and I want to take a moment for us to tell each other that we appreciate one another.

    Directions: Walk around the space and talk to as many players as you can and say something positive about them that you have seen in the last 9 weeks.

    -Example-Great pass today!, Thank you for being so positive, You always help clean up that’s so nice

Day 3:

Game Day or Scrimmage Day

  • See here for game day preparation checklist.

Optional Game Realistic Activities:

World Cup

4 Goal World Cup

  • 1. This week we talked about Relationship Skills. What are some things you can do to have a healthy friendship?

    -check in on your friend, solve conflicts by talking, think about how they feel, know that there will be some hard times

    2. How can we continue our friendships after the soccer season?

Captain’s Corner

Fall Season:

  • Encourage other players to volunteer to start an activity or try a new position.

Spring Season:

  • Encourage other players to challenge themselves. Give them praise.