Week 6

Self-Awareness & Aerial Control


  • SEL:  Players will be able to identify and demonstrate individual strengths in the face of challenges & obstacles; describe the role they play in finding solutions to team challenges/obstacles.  

  • SOCCER: Players will be able to demonstrate aerial ball control with different body parts and various speeds.

We have a strong “no headers” policy due to safety concerns.

Day 1:


10 min- Informal Time: Attendance, Warm Welcome

15 min- Warm Up: Spider Tag

5 min- Soccer Focus Intro: Aerial Control Skill: Cushion Touch

15 min- Dribbling- Unopposed: Pass the Conversation: Aerial Control

15 min- Dribbling- Opposed: Clean Your Backyard

25 min- Scrimmage

  • Soccer Skill Question:

    1. What does it mean to have aerial control?

    -Controlling the ball when it’s in the air

    2. What is a Cushion Touch?

    -Stopping the ball in the air with the side of your foot

    SEL Question:

    This week we are talking about Self-Awareness.

    1. Why is it important to know your own strengths and weaknesses?

    -So you can know what you need to practice

    -So you can help others in areas where you excel

    2. What is one skill you want to work on next practice so you improve?

Day 2:


10 min- Informal Time: Attendance, Warm Welcome

15 min- Warm Up: The Floor Is Lava

5 min- Soccer Focus Intro: Aerial Control Skill: Juggle with Yourself

15 min- Dribbling- Unopposed: Stations

15 min- Dribbling- Opposed: Up, Up and Away

25 min- Scrimmage

  • Soccer Skill Questions:

    1. What does it mean to have aerial control?

    -Controlling the ball when it’s in the air

    2. What is an inside sweep? How do you do one?

    -Ball touches the ground first then you use the sweet spot on one of your feet to touch the side of the ball and bring it to the ground

    SEL Questions:

    This week we are talking about being self-aware of our strengths and our areas of growth.

    1. What is one challenge we have as a team that we can improve on?

    -Communication on the field, being positive, giving everyone a chance to play every position, spreading out, dribbling, etc.

    2. How can you personally use your skills to help the team with this challenge?

Day 3:

Game Day or Scrimmage Day

  • See here for game day preparation checklist.

Optional Game Realistic Activities:

Throw It

End Zones

  • 1. This week we talked about Self-Awareness. What were we focusing on about ourselves?

    -Strengths and areas of growth

    2. Turn to your partner and tell them 1 way you grew this week, it could be a soccer skill or as a teammate, it could be on the soccer field or off of it.

    3. Who would like to share how they grew this week?

Captain’s Corner

Fall Season:

  • Volunteer to demonstrate or lead a team.

Spring Season:

  • Choose 1-2 players who need more support and focus on helping them.